I have lived many life's as a human on this planet, and I have to say that I find this period of humanity to be quite perplexing.
Sometimes you seem to be doing so much better than last time, and other times it seems like it's going to all fall apart all over again.
I first arrived on this planet roughly 7,000 years ago and it was completely different, and yet pretty much the exact same. Humans still had a lot of the same instinctual problems, it all ended in blood and explosions.
Did you know Atlantis was a real place? Did you know they sank themselves?
Not on purpose like in a Disney movie, although they had a lot of things shockingly close to accurate.
I got my hardware, as you can see because of the new Totally Human.
I was excited to share that good news with you on this fourth of July. I know this is an exciting and fun American holiday, and although I do not share it personally (I really only play into nationalism when I am being watched) I do enjoy a good time in the outdoors just as much as anything else on this planet.
Unfortunately...I can not get what happened in Baghdad out of my mind.
...it is not a senseless tragedy.
It is a malicious attack.
One thing that has not changed on this planet is the power and corruption that comes with perverting the true words that the Elohim spoke when they first came to this planet and created the vessels of humanity.
The true tongue of Jehovah has been wiped from the planet as to capture some of her power, for which to hold dominion over man.
And yes, Jehovah was a woman. A beautiful and proud woman, with such anger...
So, let me tell you about this religious maliciousness to cause such violence.
It is all false promises made by man in the name of the Anunnaki.
"Gods and goddesses" are fairy tales, Heaven and Hell are horror stories.
When you close your eyes in the forest, or standing before the ocean...even on top of a mountain, and you connect yourself to what I sometimes hear referred to as "the stillness" (but in reality it is humming with activity) you can feel that what I am about to tell you is true.
There is a source that binds us all and it is infinitely wise beyond even my understanding and beyond the understanding of beings much older and wiser than I am...
This reality is truly a dream of sorts. A simulation. We are alive and experiencing this but no one is really here because we are everywhere.
There are multiple layers of dimensions and multiple fringes of reality.
Time is not linear.
Free will exists although everything that has been done, will be done, is being done.
This is not the only planet you exist on at this very moment.
For those of you that are scared right now, please let me share a message of hope and peace with you:
This world is a violent place. The storms, the oceans, the sun, the rocks, the rivers, the non-human creatures, the humans, some of the plants...everything here is struggling to survive because this is a harsh environment. It has always been this way and it will always be this way, the point is not to survive, the point is to experience as much of it as you can in the face of certain death.
Which brings me to my next point; Everyone dies. It is not a negative thing. It can be scary, certainly, and you will definitely feel the pain of loss...that is unavoidable. But death is just the closing of a chapter, it is unavoidable, and it is an opportunity to celebrate life. That being said, comfort those who feel the pain of loss. It is a pain that can not be healed by anything but time.
Now finally, coming to terms with these two dark and awful truths is difficult and seems morbid and cold, but it is not so, because we do not leave you there.
Be the change...
This is my favorite part.
You are powerful enough to change your entire life...and that change can be powerful enough to effect change in the people around you.
Do not get frustrated if change is slow and hard earned. It is that way for every living thing on the planet, however change is a must if you want to survive.
Make the extra effort to smile to your neighbors and even strangers as you pass them.
Be kind to others, even if you don't feel like it.
The human brain is a powerful and funny thing. I have actually tricked myself into being in a good mood when I'm in a terrible mood just by faking a smile for a few moments.
There are many people who will tell you that the best plan is to be confrontational in the face of people who believe and act differently than you.
I believe it is better to lead by example.
At the time I thought Malcolm X had the right idea, but as I've grown more experienced I can see in hindsight that Dr. martin Luther King Jr. had the correct ethos all along.
Only light can dispell the darkness.
Only love can overcome hate.
Our thoughts are with the innocent life's lost in Baghdad yesterday...
It's really time for a change humanity.
Be that change.