What the fuck is up with Mars?

Well let me tell you. 

There are some humans on earth that have it in their tiny little heads that it would be a good idea to skip town and set up camp across orbit to the little red guy next door. 

This is such a stupid idea for a myriad of reasons, but we will focus on the first, most glaring and obvious, reason. 

It is because mars is already inhabited by a contracted mining operation, and since it is fairly limited on the resources that actually sustain intelligent organic life, the crew down there is very small and mostly operated by machinery. However, the small crew is very important and if anything were to happen to one of them it would be very costly to replace one of them. 

This operation has been going on for a very long time and will probably not be ending any time soon. 

That's why no one will touch the water. 
Haven't you thought that was strange? Humanity blasts a tiny probe across time and space to discover liquid water where previously it was a fact that water was absent...and they won't touch it? They won't touch it specifically because they do not want to spread disease. 

I can leave the speculation and conjecture up to you, but I am not asking you if there is a nomadic mining operation on Mars, I am informing you of it. 

None of these things are truly secret. All of the information is available for you at any time, it's just so saturated with dis-information that I fear everyone has been confused and believes nothing. 

Nihilism is deep here. 

Lethargy is deep here. 

And it's all steeped in apathy isn't it? 

Take America for example: It has become unavoidably clear that your government is lying to you and stealing from you and yet what has anyone done to change things? 

Oh sure, a few brave souls have stood up to the police as of late and shot a handful of them dead in the streets...that is an eye for an eye, yes, and you humans have this belief that revolution is bought and paid for in blood like anything in this world is bought and paid for in blood...you foolish children. 

What has anyone really done to change anything? 

"One shot and the world gets smaller", but does it? 
Has anything changed or is everyone just angrier? 
Is everyone just a little more frightened? 

One of the things that boggles the mind when it comes to human beings is that so many of you walk around trying to make sure that everyone else around you is having just as bad of a time as you are...as if everyone should be working at the same time, playing at the same time, sleeping at the same time, fucking the same holes...

Come on. 

Don't you think it might be a tad more prudent if everyone began working to ensure that everyone around them was having as good of a time as they were? 

But what the fuck do I know? 
I'm like that asshole that comes over to your house for a birthday party and then start to criticize your family because they're all clearly twats but of course you don't want to hear it because you're just a little part of this cluster of twats anyway and so it burns behind your ears...and it's not like you can change your whole family without killing them all. 

But you could kill them all. 

You can always kill as much as you can, it's the path to least resistance and always leads to ruin. 


Wanton destruction and careless creations are the two fingers the pull the thread. 

And now you're cold because something something sweater song. 

Anyway. I remember when they announced the mining operation on Mars, that was back in yor earth's 18th century. 

You can google pictures of their ship in orbit. It's not a small operation. Your American government has many pictures of it and they know exactly what it is. 

Extra Terrestrial forces have had a long relationship with humanity on this planet...hahaha...the longest relationship actually. 

The term "sheeple" gives me chills with the disturbing accuracy of it all...

but that is why we are here, to fight for you and your rights because we do believe that you are important and you matter, and we do love you Humanity. 

We know that you are capable of so much more than you've been allowed to accomplish. 

Just stay the fuck away from Mars.

Also, on a side note, if you haven't already you should watch some of the music videos from My Chemical Romance's album "Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge." 

I'm serious, they may very well be masterpieces. 
