I'm sitting in an overwhelmingly expensive loft, overlooking West Hollywood, sipping a coffee drink with more words that I can't pronounce than an Ikea manual, and all I can think about is how much I wish I lived in a hut in the sand on some isolated beach that no one knows about that is lousy with jellyfish and border patrolled by hammerhead sharks.
But, then I come to my senses and realize that if I lived in some hut with no one around but jellyfish and sharks, I wouldn't have delicious drinks made of nonsense words to keep me going for the moments like this.
Even if I thought that Jellyfish and sharks were capable of making cofee, I don't know how I would persuade them to do it for me. There is a language barrier that I haven't ever been able to get through, no matter how much I try to force it.
Anyway, the point of this blog is not about how delicious my coffee drink is, or how I wish I could live in virtual isolation, or about why I am in Hollywood trying to figure out what to do with a body. No, this is supposed to be about the upcoming comiccon.
We have just recently received confirmation that our registration went through, and we have the hotel booked, and today I just purchased a banner, and we are going over specs for prints and there are shirts on the way that are not the dickface drumpf shirts...this is all just very exciting stuff.
I have never been to a comiccon.
Neither has Danny.
But we are going to brave the unknown and venture forth into darkness to try to sell art.
This is going to be a big moment for us because it will be our first real public experience, and it is going to serve as a launching board in to the first couple of full page comicbooks.
And then the series will begin.
I have at least 4 different series that I would like to be putting out, but I am simply short handed. I am hoping to find some talented artists and writers to work with in the future so that we can be putting out several books a month and provide nothing but the super dopiest content around.
I have so many stories to tell, and I have chosen comic books as the medium in which to tell them because I think it is an incredible art form that has been overlooked and under appreciated for too long. Even now that more and more comic books are seeing main stream attention, it's not the comic books themselves, but the super heroes that people are paying to see.
I grew up with these superheroes and they hold a special place in my heart, but I also grew up with Calvin and Hobbes, For Better Or For Worse, and The Far Side, so I understood from an early age that the comic format was limited only to the imagination of the creators.
Up until last March, I was merely a dreamer.
Doodling my characters and watching them live out their lives in my own head.
But then everything changed, and I can't explain it, or I won't explain it, but the dream is over.
It is now becoming a reality.
We will bring you fantastic stories.
You will meet some interesting characters.
And hopefully we will be able to take you somewhere you've never been before.
As Danny and I prepare for this Comiccon in Las Vegas, I just get so excited that I can't even handle it. This is the beginning of something huge for us. And I say us because I mean all of us, even everyone reading this, because the whole goal of SDCX is to make the world a little more fun. And if we can pull that shit off, then we all win.