We're friends right?

No, of course we're not. 
I know that. 

I know that I don't have any friends, I'm not stupid...I was just trying to be cute because I am going to be talking about some heavy things and I have seen other humans confirm friendship before discussing deep subjects, because when you are human you must establish a relationship to discuss anything but superficial triviality. 

Why is that? 

Sometimes I think that your species would be better served if you would all put your guard down. I mean, really...it's the strangest thing. The planet earth is essentially a room full of individuals who don't want to punch anybody ever, but have their arms up ready to block a punch and punch back at a moments notice. 

It's truly insane. 

If I can be perfectly candid with you about this place, I hate it. 

Don't get me wrong, I have met some humans that are undeniably brilliant, and a genuine pleasure to be around. 
I have experienced some very powerful and positive things during my time here. 
I have seen beauty, and witnessed compassion, and been in the company of true love. 

But those moments are few and far between. 

The part that really blows my mind is that humans claim to want these things, yet make very little effort to create them. 

...I think I just realized a huge part of the problem. 

I don't think humans are aware that beauty, love, compassion, and anything worthwhile needs to be created. It is not something that simply exists and is floating around out in the ethos for us to reach out and grab. 

Truly, think about it, is there anything in the known universe that simply is? That simply exists, with no thought, feeling, or energy put behind it? 

The answer is no. 

And if you think the answer is yes, I can assure you that I have seen much more of the universe than you have...nothing worth having is taken or given. It is always earned. Nurtured. And then if it is not appreciated it will surely die, 


...but I don't think anyone is listening. 

The only reason I feel comfortable alluding to what I really am on here is that no one is listening...and if you are listening then this is all a joke anyway. 

There are definitely not beings on this planet who inhabit human bodies but are not of this earth. 

That would be ridiculous. 

Besides...human bodies can't just be created. 


And don't even get me started on the complications involved with transmitting intelligence. 


Don't worry my carbon based brothers, there is nothing that exists beyond your experience. 


I will stay here until my assignment is over. 
But based off of what I have seen I will most likely end up dying on this god forsaken rock. 

I do like tacos though. 
