I just finished watching a movie called "Alien Abduction" on Netflix, and I have to say it was well done. It is based on a true story and told from the human perspective. They are very frightened and it is a thrill ride to watch, I will tell you that. If you like suspenseful movies and aliens then you should definitely check this out.
I know some people who know the people who did the abducting and those guys were pretty much assholes. I guess they don't hang around Earth anymore after that, they got the boot. That kind of abduction behavior has been made illegal since earth became a part of the federation.
Anyway, check that movie out, it's fantastic.
So, if you haven't heard enough, we are extremely excited for The Amazing Las Vegas Comicon coming up next week. I get butterflies in my stomach every time I think about it, honestly. We went over all of our merchandise the other night and the prints really look amazing. PrintKeg and GotPrint did great jobs with the production and I would highly recommend them.
OOshirts also has done a great job with our shirts. They did unfortunately take a week or two longer than they were supposed to and didn't offer much of an explanation or apology, just kind of an "oh well", but the quality of heir work is spot on, and this is our third time going through them and the first incident we've had so I don't think I'm going to write them off over it.
Before I throw the new Totally Human at you, I'd like to add that I finally saw the new TMNT movie. It was a lot better than the previous one, but at the end of the day I still felt like they could have interchanged any of the characters in the movie with any other random characters and it would have had absolutely no affect on the outcome of the script. Does that make sense? It wasn't a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, it was just another Michael Bay (that's his name right?) movie that happened to have monsters in it,that we're going to call Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...and Bebop and Rocksteady.
Okay, let's be real here though, Bebop and Rocksteady were fucking dope, right? And so was Krang. Shredder was whatever, I'm glad the footlcan were ninjas and not terrorists I guess? I think Karai was in it but I don't think they ever outright said who she was so it was kind of just...I don't know, the more I think about it the more the movie actually sucked and I am a TMNT collector, but I think I am going to kind of ignore this whole thing for the most part.
I say "for the most part" because I already have a Krang and Splinter figure from this second movie, and I will probably by a Rocksteady and Bebop because they're pretty cool too I guess...but toys are different. I've actually considered buying some Next Mutation figures, and I probably will before I'm dead.
I'll probably buy a Venus.
I'll probably draw a Venus too.
Fuck the haters.
Sometimes I want to get SpiritScienced all over some good vibes and do yoga with HULU and drink Kombucha and good vibes chill and only murder plants, but mostly I do heroin.
Fanart right?