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I own these pieces of art and you do not.
If you would like to reproduce them, please ask me.
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This is what success looks like
What is your favorite food to munch down when at the drawing/writing table? And do you ever miss your mouth and hit the paper with said food?
I like the mini goldfish crackers because I'm a sloppy fat shit and I can fit a lot of them in my mouth at once. They end up all over the place, My desk, the floor, down the front of my hoodie etc...
First imagine a freaky Friday sort of situation, now would you rather have sex with your significant other in your dad’s body, or your dad in your significant other’s body?
This question is a prime example of the types of things that have become acceptable due to this country's Freaky-Friday rape culture and I refuse to answer this question due too the fact that I have been triggered.
I have a question about the treasure: can I have some?
I'm going to quote my Dad on this one. "I don't know, can you?"
If you sent a werewolf to the moon would it just stay a werewolf?
The Moon would become a Weremoon. Everybody knows that.
If you could put any tattoo on any human what and where would it be and who?
I'd put a tattoo of a dick on your mom's face, because fuck you
Do you have knowledge of the past, present, or future?
I love presents!
If you could bring one person back from the dead, who would it be?
Bill Hicks. I think the world could really use a guy like him right now. He was always on point and right about everything.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
No, they haven't and I don't appreciate you insinuating that they have. Do you think this is a fucking game?!?
Do you think in the future book bags and other accessory merch will be made and will you ever animate anything or branch out your designs and collab with other artists?
I definitely want to do all of those things and a lot more
What is your favorite food to munch down when at the drawing/writing table? And do you ever miss your mouth and hit the paper with said food?
- I almost exclusively subsist on sourdough toast. However when I write, I eat mustard greens. Raw bunches of mustard greens. Because of my severe cross-bite, my paper is always covered with semi-masticated vegetable matter. It's a constant source of frustration..
First imagine a freaky Friday sort of situation, now would you rather have sex with your significant other in your dad’s body, or your dad in your significant other’s body?
Sex with my significant other in my dad's body. *gags* Next question...
I have a question about the treasure: can I have some?
First, who are you, where do you live and how do you know so much about our treasure!?! Second, no.
If you sent a werewolf to the moon would it just stay a werewolf?
If you sent a werewolf to the moon it would suffocate and die. I suppose it would still be a werewolf but it would be an irrelevant werewolf.
If you could put any tattoo on any human what and where would it be and who?
I'd give Martha Steward a tattoo across her knuckle's reading "THUG LIFE".
Do you have knowledge of the past, present, or future?
Ten percent of the past, all of the present. The future is fiction.
If you could bring one person back from the dead, who would it be?
My eighth grade wood shop teacher Mr. Schwarzinski. That dude was cool as shit.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Your question is unintelligible. The answer is, and always has been, yes.
Do you think in the future book bags and other accessory merch will be made and will you ever animate anything or branch out your designs and collab with other artists?
Super Dope Comix merchandise will know no bounds - book bags, bookmarks, book shelves, book lights...the possibilities are endless. An animated series is already in the SDCX three year plan and collabs are soon to be released - stay tuned!
What is your favorite food to munch down when at the drawing/writing table? And do you ever miss your mouth and hit the paper with said food?
I do not care for food beyond the valuable sustenance it provides this fleshy inter-dimensional time machine that my essence is currently encased in. And when I am eating I rarely miss my mouth, if ever.
First imagine a freaky Friday sort of situation, now would you rather have sex with your significant other in your dad’s body, or your dad in your significant other’s body?
I do not have a dad or a significant other...I also do not have sex.
I have a question about the treasure: can I have some?
What did Danny say? Ask him. If he says it's alright then you can have some.
If you sent a werewolf to the moon would it just stay a werewolf?
Well, this question is obviously just ridiculous because if you sent a werewolf to the moon it would be bombarded with massive amounts of radiation and surely die. I imagine that it would then stay in whatever form it died in for, conceivably ever, because I am not sure how rapidly things decay in the cold vacuum of space, if at all.
If you could put any tattoo on any human what and where would it be and who?
I...don't have an answer for this question. I don't really like tattoos or humans.
Do you have knowledge of the past, present, or future?
If you could bring one person back from the dead, who would it be?
i have brought several people back from the dead...and it is messy and gross.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
I have a few times, but I like to think of myself as pretty moderate.
Do you think in the future book bags and other accessory merch will be made and will you ever animate anything or branch out your designs and collab with other artists?
Yes, that is the plan. Eventually we would like to even be making the vegetables you eat...assuming you eat vegetables.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Chronic pain?
Facebook: Super Dope Comix
Instagram: @SuperDopeComix
Twitter: @SuperDopeComix
SnapChat: @SuperDopeComix
Legal stuff:
I own these pieces of art and you do not.
If you would like to reproduce them, please ask me.
It is just a lot easier that way.
Thank you in advance.