I hate it when people say positive things to me.
And I don't really care for saying positive things to people.
I don't mind high fives though.
But more than positive people, I fucking hate complainers.
How can I think both are stupid? Isn't that a paradox?
No, because life is hard and you should just know that by the time you're an adult and accept it and shut the fuck up about it.
That being said: Check out this super fucking dope banner we got for Comicon.
Look at this thing! I'm 6'1 and this thing is towering over me! Beautiful!
I am absolutely in love with this thing and I have to break it down for Danny, the man with the plan, for making it all happen on this one. This entire Comiccon is happening because of him. I'm not good with business, he is the reason I'm not just some goon in a dark room drawing for my imaginary friends anymore.
One thing I have learned from this whole experience - getting ready for Comicon - is that Fan Art is this really popular legal grey water that's not really legal grey water because it's copyright infringement, but no one really knows if anyone actually cares?
Well, I figured that you needed to do some prints of popular characters to take to these things, I dunno...I have never been to one, I have only seen other artists on instagram.
Anyway...we have a few prints that will be ran once and ONLY this once.
They are a limited run of ten and after they are sold we will NOT be selling anything the could even be mistaken for Fan Art ever again.
I will, however, consider Fam Art.
The good news about this is that it will give me the motivation to begin moving forward with some of the comicbooks that I have been waiting to make.
Waiting for what?
Well, the dust to settle...this entire company is only three months old, if even that, and I need everything to get established before I begin sucking you into the amazing world that I have created for you to live and breathe and play in.
Or maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.
maybe I truly am insane and only I will like my world...
...except I doubt it because the world famous life coach, Travis Barton, told me himself that he likes the story, and I know he's not lying because he told me that before he became world famous.
Here's the new Totally Human.
I see so much potential in this world, but since they decide to keep so many secrets I will let them all out through my stories and then we can start to clean up the bullshit together!
-Dane M Goodman