I already kind of posted today and I think I posted the day before that...and I will likely post again tomorrow because it's just been one of those weeks I suppose.
But I am posting now because I always write a little something when I post a new Totally Human...or, I at least try to.
The Black Magick Pirate Crew is a strange tale.
One that is too long for me to tell in one evening, and not just because it's too late.
It actually kind of ties in to something that I touched on earlier, about the stories that I have to tell and the chosen medium and blah blah blah...I ramble.
Anyway, I will tell you all the tale of the dreaded Black Magick Pirate Crew in due time. It is fantastic and 100% true. I am going to try to put a modern twist on it to make it a little more palatable for people who are sick of Johnny Depp pirates, and it all took place a long time ago and my memory is good but it's not great so some of the details might not be EXACTLY how it happened, but it's still 100% true. I know because I was there.
Anyway, they are a nasty lot and it will be great fun reading about their crimes against humanity and spirituality alike.
I get the chills just thinking about it.
Super Dope Comix has only been around since March, we have only begun to wake up.
Wait until we put a suit on.
"Give me the knife, I am the captain and I'll make the first cut. If you can't cut yourself as deep or as long as I do then you're out...and I mean out."
"He means we're gonna kill you."