So I made another Totally Human because I think I accidentally slipped in to something that I am going to do for the rest of my stay here on planet earth.
It took me a long time to post it though. It's almost 2:00 PM right now.
Well, this human body that I inhabit is kind of faulty. There are some problems with the chemical flow to the brain and it's a problem that seems to be getting worse and these human bodies are particularly complex machines when it comes to the central operating, long story short, I had a bit of a problem dragging it out of bed for the last few days.
I kept having thoughts of just shutting it down and getting a new one.
But I guess I made it because here we are and I'm typing this and you're seeing this painting.
On a side note, has anybody ever seen the television show "Once Upon A Time?"
I have never seen a full episode, but I have seen bits and pieces in passing and I really think that the ladies and gentleman who acted on this show should have been paid a lot more than they were for talking about "Rumple Stillskin" as a legitimate character and a true threat with a straight face.
I even laughed while typing that last sentence.
-Dane M Goodman.